Here is George Baily. He is excited as only a youth can be for Christmas.
And Even though sometimes the Christmas spirit seems lost. It is moments of family that can and do rekindle the joy of that Christmas Magic.
So on this He is with the people, let me introduce you to some of the people that make Christmas special for me.
If your photo did not make the cut, don't be upse
t, I probably don't have a photo of you yet. So look at the honorable mention section at the end of this entry.
Many people don't believe it but it is true, I do have a mother. Here she is. Mom has made it possible for me to write you during this holiday season. She told me. Walter, why don't you tell the people you have a mother. I said ok, because I do have one. She also says "God bless all of you this holiday season and keep it real" Well the keep it real was my addition, but I think if she knew how real keeping was important she would have said that too.
Mom's Husband Joe is a cool guy. He takes care of her. They have now been married for 20 years. They are in love and love each other. It is fun to see them happy together. No picture of Joe, because I forgot to take one. Sorry Joe.
Biography for
Don Ruskin
Biography for
Don Ruskin
According to a Google Search
"Search" Don Ruskin and the movie USED CARS!
No Photo.
- Trivia
He was a real life car salesman
- There is also some other Trivia
- * In High School he was known as Mouse Man. He let a mouse go in his Principal's office
- * He started his own hand ball team in the Army. No one was on the team and he traveled the country. He would buy trophies at hawk shops and give them to his commander.
- * He beat up four guys at once when I was five. I was sitting in the car. After which he realized that his 5 year old son was there. So a
- s a good father, he explained to me "Now, Walter that is not how adults act. See if those guys would have just talked to me, I would not have had to kick their ass." Good lesson!
- *Don Ruskin Trivia could take a life time. I will share more in the future.
- Best Christmas, hard to say, but I will tell you this. We always had a nice tree. Some were donated by the tree lots, some caught on fire, and some were too big for the front yard. But no matter, we always had a tree.
That is what I found on a Google Search on my father. Now most of you have seen him and realize that he is truly a real entity. And for many more of you, you might know him in some other light. For the protection of the Guilty We will not mention any of those stories during this Christmas Blog. But there is one I can share, because he said it was ok. He is a good father! All other Christmas stories are not too
Now what is funny. When I was in college and I would tell stories to Jerry McClain about my father. He said I was a good story teller. Until he actually met my father. Then he said "I am sorry Walter I did not believe you. Wow!" Jerry was one of my first managers when I was in college. He is an honorable mention. A good mentor to me when I was growing in the car business and my father was "on vacation". As a matter of fact he was the one who got me the interview with Pacific Nissan. He will always be in my heart and mind. During this paragraph it would also be appropriate to mention Chuck Smith. Both men died from lung cancer, yet like a jack off I still smoke.
Grandma. I also have a Grandma. She is 89 years old. She was know n as "The Spanking Grandma" She also taught me my times tables in 3rd grade. She is be tter than the Grandma in Happy Gilmore. Grandma lives in Sea Ford Delaware and we love to Watch Little House together. Because when they act up on the show I yell at the t.v. to stop or grandma will give you a spanking.
Grandma's husband my Grandfather died prior to my birth. I am named after him. I love you Grandma.
The Piretti's. My Mother's Parents, also my Grandpa rents. They owned a company called Brookdale Beverage. It was the Number One independent Bottler for over 50 years.
But more importantly to me they were my Grandparents and they were loads of fun. Out of all the memories the ones that I enjoyed the most was when they would take me on the Circle Line in New York City and we would take a tour around Manhattan.
Another quick Christmas story Grandpa would dress up like Santa Clause. I also took him on top of the World Trade Center when he was 89. Well, he kind of fell off the escalator and broke his nose. After which I said I was sorry and we could go home now.
"No Walter, we will finish the tour, because at 89 I don't think I will want to come back here again" So we finished the tour. It was a great day, even though to best describe his physical look, he looked like he was in a hatchet fight.
Theresa Marie Rusniaczek. She calls herself Charli. I will call her Theresa or Chuck. She changed her name, because my dad calls himself Ed. Edward is his middle name, Charli is Theresa's who knows name. But everyone has been calling her Charli for about 18 years. So who am I to say her name is not Charli. Well, I am her brother so I say no, her name is Theresa. The good news is I have that privilege. If you call her Theresa she will kick your ass. And I am not kidding.
As a young boy some bully was picking on me. My sister hit the child with her lunch box square in the face. Maybe, my sister Theresa, really is my brother Chuck.
Fun Christmas memories with Theresa. She was about 7 and would wake up early and open everyone's gifts. Then re-wrap them. As you were opening your Christmas bounty, she would say. "Its a brown Shirt" or "I think you will like it, it's the game you wanted" etc. Much fun.
Other Others
Aunt Regina and Uncle Richard. They, like my Grandmother, live in Sea Ford Delaware. As you can see Regina is making quilts. She love to do this. Uncle Richard can often be found in the Basement doing wood working.
Side note to readers Richard built his own house with his own two hands. Funny note about that Karena, his youngest, my favorite cousin decided to build her own house as well.
So when Richard started to sit down with her to go over the plans she replied, "I don't need plans"
To make a long story short. Except for children tr ying to build forts, not many take on the challenge of building their own shelter without plans. I am positive though as crazy as it may seem No one on this planet could make a better rectangle with indoor plumbing than Karena.
The Thecks are the only really mentally stable family we have on the Rusniaczek side of the family.
The good news is though the more you hang out with them you realize they are just as crazy, just more cognitive about it.
Christmas notes. Great cookies, great food and great decorations.
Here is the sections of Hello From New Jersey and Merry Christmas to all.
So Merry Christmas to the Hirchags.
Watch out the White Buffalo is about to roam
Merry Christmas to the Littles
Happy Holidays and thank you, but a little extra thanks to Chad. You know he was suppose to be a girl. He was the fifth boy.
But never underestimate the Chad. He is The Man..
even though he does not hang, but neither do I.
The super people of "He is with the People" Honorable mention for Christmas of 2006...
Quotes and lifestyles that Christ would be proud of...
Gabe Houston
(No one is truer to the living of life)
Greg Cuifo
(Reminds us life is on Borrowed Time)
("But for the Grace of God There Go I")
Liz Rogers
( "You know Walter.....")
Mario Trani
("You live not for you but for others")
John Plante
( I never made your quote book, but thank you for lending me your Porche)
Brian Chung
(A man Stronger than most. The Mr. of Turn the other cheek)
Jim Palmeri
("You need a drink more than I do." He told me this when I did not marry Christine. Also buy dark underware so if your women washes your cloths she won't see your tee stains. Good advice
Dude take a vacation! What ever you do Take a Vacation!)
Christine Heszky
(Congratulations on your marriage to a nice man! I am nice, just not nice for her)
Peter Landsheft
(No one has ever done more with less)
Richard Inzuna
(Rack is made, the floors are pledged, and the dogs have stew. No one is more loyal as a friend)
Desert Bike and CasheyDog
(Thank you for the emails)
Christie Ferrel
(The Tower, George Will, Boat Rides, New Jacuzzi, San Francisco, and Pluto is no longer a planet)
Steve White
(The most intense person ever! He is in it "Neck Deep" all the time. Merry Christmas Steve)
Linda M.
(Aloha! The only Hawaiian to see snow in the rainy state of Oregon)
(Remember "Hotel California" because no ones birthday should ever be delayed.)
Eddie Hooper
("Hey, Bla! It will all work out!")
Mike Rapp
("Today people we have a guest speaker. His name is Walter...)
Jason Olson
(15 trips to Idaho and only one steelhead. I must be good luck!)
Justin Janger
("Walter I don't think computers should be your major the professors are getting upset that you are sleeping in their classes. Or the favorite. "Guess what I am a father" He was a dad the entire time we were in college. Go figure)
(Green pants are nice pants! Greg Cuiffo should have let you keep wearing them)
Robin Canchimino
(Nice lady! Really nice and she has a nice husband "Coach")
Bill Lance
(80 something years old man climbs a tree and falls out of it hanging Christmas lights in 2005. He also took me to a boobie bar.)
Shawn O and Girlfriend Tracy
(Maybe you should tell that story to anybody! Ya and don't forget HETHER! Not spelled incorrectly)
Alesis Moore "Canada"
(Never take a women to dinner unless the deal is funded, but sometime you just have to break the rules. Thank you Americredit for funding the deal. It was a tough one!)
Michael First
(Never, ever have two people made more magic in a month than we did in August 2005) Never!
Brandon Shelby
(Get out of the Car Business now! Thank you for all your help this year!)
Shawn O(something or other)
(Thank you for the first December alone)
Katie (Kitty Cat)
(for the most memorable I never want to be in a bar again for Christmas eve again, Thank you for taking me)
Tom Knight
(Walter, don't forget to live in this life. New Years eve last year we went out with his lady friend she looked like Peg Bundy)
(Your Z is nicer than your ex-husbands. The Strip Club was one of the most memorable meals ever. Strip Club is a restaurant other wise I would call it a boobie bar)
Daniel Scholder
(The real life Dude from the movie the Big Lebowski. Now selling time shares. Rock on!)
Neva Miller
(I am glade you love Tom. That is really funny if you know the story but I probably won't tell you)
Greg Webber
(The Power of Now and don't eat fish with mercury! Never underestimated the danger of mercury)
Marie Ward
(Thank you for the tickets to midnight mass at St. Patrick's In New York)
Matt Smith
(A Total Ass Hole in class. Argued about everything with me, But we did climb the Huntington Beach Tower and Let a Rooster Go in the Principal's office.)
Mike Pino
(Walked off the Huntington Beach Pier when they closed it. Years ago but just thought about it made me smile.)
David Snow
(The dent in President of the Happy Club. Never ever forget "What the fuck!" It was the Summer of 89)
Wayne Love
(Just a nut. Love that guy)
Steve Sawyer
(Remember Walter, You can play a scratched Record, just not a broken one. Don't let life ever break you)
Doctor Detroit
(Hey, Hey if you ever were on the ball one day last November you hit a home-run.)
John Hill
(Great Guy! One of my all time favorite people)
The Walters of Pac Nissan
(B.O.C. Rocks. Your are cool guys and have beautiful families. Just loosen up by killing the ties)
Musical influence this year!
Bob Seger
(Like a Rock and Against the Wind)
Frank Sinatra
(My way! and "Out of the Tree of Life I pick me Plums")
If I missed you it is not on purpose, I have been writing this for 3 days and it must come to an end. So in closing....
The Houstons (ronnlon)
You can't work somewhere or for someone 8 years and not mention them in the Christmas blog, for I spent 7 Christmas eves at the dealership. One I spent at my Grandfather's.
It was my first year employed, and it was a part of my negotiations of employment.
But forget the time you spend with people,
it is the quality of that time you share.
Sometimes people in life are rewarded the rare blessing of people who are not of your blood line treating you as if you were. When that happens you realize that the world is not a place of mistrust and hate, but one of loving and kindness. However, if anyone who knows Ron is reading this, He is not getting soft, he is still ming. In my eyes ming means this.... When things are great he will remind you that you have two blue cars parked next to each other, and we are not funded as of yet. But when things in life go not so good. You don't have to look, he is there to pick you up and carry you until you can walk. Don't ever think he is not! And that is why Ron Houston Gets more than an Honorable mention on this Christmas Blog.
However this is more fun to read...
The door would be closed and people would walk by his office and I would sit there with no expression and you could see him talking with passion and a conversation would begin something like this..
"Walter, I appreciate your effort but never forget I am the General Manager!" Which my reply was always "Yes sir!" I think we both enjoyed my fearlessnesses of challenging his authority and his ability to see it when I was doing so and him reigning me in so not to eat more of the elephant then I could chew.
I am a stronger man today because of his tutelage!
Finallyto Kasey Ruskin, Merry Christmas!
"You are my Butterfuly! Fly and be free! I love you Always. See you later because I have to live with the people right now!