Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Welcome Back Home!
So far it has been great! I landed at 12 noon, and have unpacked all the world treasures that I have acquired...
It was nice to see the house was not burnt down..
It was also nice to see the excitement of the Dogs when I walked in the house. It was like I never left...
Actually this photo was taken later after the high of seeing me wore off..
This is Max. One pumped up dog. He told me some stories about Lucky Throwing a Party when I was gone. And that he told her not too, and the cops came, and he did his best to stop her, but you know what a bitch she can be....
Lucky's side of the story is kind of different. It seems that Max was talking on chat lines, and well invited a bunch of dogs over, and Lucky had to call the cops to clear the house.
And that is why Max is calling her a bitch.
I said whatever man, I AM A YANKEE!
Talk to all of you soon....
Walter... PS> you are allowed to call me too.
It is nice to be back home
Monday, January 29, 2007
Walter Signs with the YANKEES!
Walter Signs with the Yankees…
Yep, Here I am Just like Joe DiMaggio Thanking God for making me a Yankee..
Notice my free Yankee Hat and Official
Look here I am running the perimeter of the entire Baseball Field. It a quarter mile in circumference. My time was an Hour… After they saw my skills. I received a YANKEE HAT AND A YANKEE JERSEY. The good news is that since Randy Johnson has been cut, I explained I would work for almost free. So far my contract includes a FREE YANKEE HAT AND YANKEE JERSEY!
Look her is Andy Warhol following all the way from
This is our buggy ride!
Just for some fun! Here are just random photos of the past few months... Enjoy... For tomorrow we all have new memories to create back at home...
Westminster Abby... Remember I ran thru the hill singing "Climb Every Mountain" When Walter Left the ABBY!
Mass At Notre Dame on New Years Day...
All is Changing ON YEARS DAY>>>>
The Bad Vagina Blogg From Frankenstein's Castle. WOOOWWWWOOO very dark! VERy VEry Bad.. Thanks again for those emails to break me out of the past and into the Present...
But Note I do look great in this photo.
Thank you Laura... Your great with a camera.. Eric thank you for the book too..
And this would also be the time to thank everybody.. .Now on with the flash back of the trip.
A Day at the Louvre....
Walter Starts the Transformation from Ugly Duckling to BEAUTIFUL SWAN in Switzerland.
Also see the Beautiful Alps...
The Beautiful Alps....
Golden Gates of Heaven in Florence
Plus seeing the David.
So Much Beautiful Art that I start Dream in Renaissance ARTWORK>>>>
The Discovery of the Tri-Pod.
A new Skill is developed... The self Photo..
Also buy a table cloth from the Cafe that I had coffee, and almost lost the tour group
But don't forget the day the Vatican... That was great....
What can I say.. .VENICE>>>
Hard to buy smokes, but a great place! I also had my photo taken with an Italian Television Star...
Lunch in Austria...
Was Great!
The End of one Journey...
And the Birth of the Next.......
Thank you God Thank you.....
Love Walter
Friday, January 26, 2007
What Else Can I Say.... SEGER MAN! SEGER!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Keeping the Flame Burning....
Hey again from the fun in the Frost New York City.
Little update on
Anyway, unlike real school I actually did my homework and did not try to have some pretty girl help me with my assignment. So, I go to my first class after my assignment. Boy o boy, I better find a pretty girl quickly, because I got what I would call a good “D-“ Maybe, it was my joke that the President started the war in Iraq because he was sexually frustrated because he was circumcised. I guess you have to read the pamphlet on “Men start wars because they are circumcised” to really appreciate the analogy.
So, we went back to the “drawing board” and drew a pretty neat picture of my narcissistic behavior. We open up with nice dick joke and close with the cat who advised me to go to a sex club. God, I can see that this is going to have great value to the human condition. Many may not believe this, I never did acid. Never…
Tonight is Bob Seger! YA BABY
Last night went to the Comedy Cellar in the village. Our Tuesday Instructor was the Host. I realize that smoking is the best think for my body, but I see some really cool thing when I go out for a smoke.
So I am standing.. I do that when I smoke. I look up and see Darrell Hammond. Besides Andy Rooney this was the closest I have been to a television personality. We make the eye contact and he starts to walk over, and then realized he does not know me, steps back quick hey and inside. Cool, does a fun set and of course I need to smoke again. Great he is outside I am outside and “Hey nice set thank you really enjoyed it” Hand shake from him, ya was trying to do some new things, but ya know?’ “Ya, anyway, keep it real Darrel.” Goofy looking smile back second hand shake ya you too. Night.”
So what did I learn. I am going to do great in this business. Not even crazy star stuck. It was fucking bitchin’ “No hey, I am a starting comic, how do I or can I take your photo.” It was great, I mean I take photos of the cleaning ladies at the hotels. This is a big photo moment. NONE> Total ya, whatever.
And why would I? I need to show you a photo of my new bar... I traded some magic beans for it. I think I made out well.
Well got to go… However, if I meet the Seger. PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO>
Because I am not a rock star……
Keep on truckin’
Monday, January 22, 2007
Madison Square Garden.
WoW! I took a tour today at Madison Square Garden today after my class in the City. They are very proud of the fact that their building is just over 40 years old.
At this point you should have a long pause in your head and replaying 40 years... wow.
Very impressive we are celebrating a building that is newer than my home in San Diego. The tour guide would head would melt if he saw Europe. Anyway, I did get to go into the locker rooms of the Knicks and the Rangers and they had smells of 500 year old buildings. So it is kind of the same I guess. But of course today I forgot my camera. It building was neat! I went there with my new school buddy Eric from Pittsburgh. After class he came downstairs with me and I noticed he was heading back up the elevator. "Hey, Know anyone in the city?" Since he didn't I invited him on an urban adventure that included Pizza and the tour of the Garden.
Oh Yea, The first official day at school was interesting. Eric and I watch a video with bad tracking. Maybe tomorrow we will do work sheets on hard to read photo copies. Our first assignment is to write about what we hate and to give advice to a famous person. The problem is I went to Europe to stop the hate. I did and I feel great! Second I really don't know any famous people. I do however know people some who are notorious. But I don't think the idea of the exercise is to give criminals advice. But if I did, I would advise them not to get caught and don't do felonies. But since they probably will get caught and do felonies I would also advise them to use Greg Parkins as their lawyer. I would also advise them to pay him in Cash and ensure their case is heard before noon. Because, Greg Hates Checks and any time after noon Greg is going to be drunk and you could get life for a parking ticket. That is my advice
Photo is in Austria not the Coffee shop.....
Have a great day
Sunday, January 21, 2007
So Where Is Walter? Coming Back Home!
January 21st, 2007
There is No Place Like Home! This is me doing my best Dorthy except instead of using ruby slippers I am using Red Wooden Shoes.
“We're Coming to
Yes, a little Neil Diamond to finish our European Blog. Well, today I leave
Bye the way these are the nice Germans that were on our tour. They invited me to stay with them for a while. I will be. Really Nice and fun people, We had a few drinks together, as well as breakfast every morning. When I actually sat down... Now to continue.
Besides trying to update the blog, I edited about 1500 photos yesterday with Laura, Eric’s Wife and she and I put together a DVD slide show of the adventures of “He Is With The People” starting on October 17th, 2006 to yesterday.
If you would like a copy of it please email me at wruskin@cox.net and I will make sure you get a copy.
It has been life changing in the fact that I have taken the time to let yesterday go and be ready for our today and “make an actual plan for tomorrow”
So thank you for your support and see you all soon. I will give some small updates on the Comedy school, but I will be putting much effort into my work, so I may not be able to daily.
Please read the events of the past few days as we say good by to Europe for now, and Hello
God Bless
January 20th, 2007
I know we have already seen this photo but it kind of summarizes this trip since that basically started in October in Idaho.
Currently Laura is playing “Dream On!” by Aero-Smith, and this is a great song to end a great trip.
We have seen many things together. Me more, because I was here, but a lot none the least.
I have learned about the people and culture of the Europeans. I have learned a little more about Americans people and culture.
I know that really I need is what I carry, and what I don’t I store far away.
I have become reborn in the human condition, and realize that with no activity you will kill the gift of life.
So now What?
Well, Dream On! Important! But, what is more important is the living of that dream. Not letting language, fear, location, other’s expectations, my expectations, interfere with the journey.
Personally, I am always looking for the final answer. Looking for the ultimate answer and everything else will just be fine. But that is just not true. Life is too dynamic for one final answer, and it is the new adventure of today that ensures balance in one's life. Closer from the past is important, and we must remember that you may never forget something, but that does not mean that you don't have a chance to use that knowledge in a healthy way. Today, is just as perfect as 3 years ago or 15 years ago or even tomorrow. It is nice to remember and it is nice to think about tomorrow, but never let it paralyze you from doing good now. Can you teach this outlook? I don’t know, but I know I had it once in my life, buried it, and have dug it up again like an old artifact.
To summarize my experience in an artistic way it would be best to sum it up with a description of the Michelangelo’s slave sculptures and David Exhibit. You see these huge marble carvings all incomplete works of art at different stages of development, with finally the perfect “David” in your presents at the end of the exhibit.
So What? Well, at any given time we are beginning works all the way to a finished product. The idea is not to stop once one thing has been achieved, or only focus on one final solution. Keep going, go back to an old project, maybe start a new, but what ever you do never stop once you have master one aspect of your life. Dream On!
God Bless and God Speed
Walter Joseph Rusniaczek
January 19th, 2007
Ok new venture today. The Tour has an extension and it went to
Well, it seems that the weather has changed a bit, and it also seems that all trains going into
Great! So, what to do now. Smoke, Ok after that I decided Plane! Yup! Airport. Wait! How do I get to the Airport. HMMMMMMM! Got it! TRAIN! 2 eros for that and now we are on the right ttrack. Ok. At the airport. What carrier? When do they leave? HMMMMM! Info booth. Great idea. Now I was recommended by many travelers KLM airlines. Well, guess what? Other train people had the same Idea, and they were giving number. MY number was B586. The Numbers were on B789. The lady said don’t worry when it gets to B999 it will roll over to B001. HMMMMMM! HMMMMMMM again. I got it. Another carrier. So back to info land and I say HMMMMMM, KLM is a great carrier, because the entire flinging population wants to be with them. So She suggest Lufthansa. Good news! No one is waiting there is no line. And they have two seats left. Just one small little problem. A small Delay…..But more on that later.
Now it is time to use the phone. Once again telecommunications seems to be very challenging for me. I know how to push buttons, I am doing that now typing this to you.
Well, first we try my pre paid European Cell phone. It is still not happy and I guess feels it is beneth it to actually connect me to the people I attempt to call, it just yells at me in German. I got it a pay phone. So I go over.
These pay phones in
But thru it all, when Laura was contacted, the new plan was going to fly out at 8:40pm and I changed all my pounds into Euros.
One more neat thing. So I go thru security again. I bought two Swiss Army Knives in
Story over, NAAAAA because when I go back thru security I apparently had two knives in the other bag. One gone. It happens. Remember I know not to have knives on my carry on, but I was train bound to begin the day….
Monday, January 15, 2007
Am I in the Sound Of Music???
January 15th, 2007
So in the morning, I wake up. And to make a long story short. I down loaded some additional songs on my Ipod from The Sound of Music.
I was staying at St. Ellens in Venice. It is an old convent or an Abby as I learned over the Holiday Season while watching the movie "Sound of Music" Did I tell you about the Puppets? It seems Walter is leaving the Abby of Venice to venture into Austria. Well, I can't say I dance into a field, that would be a lie. Before we left Venice at 7am the streets were empty. I put on the song Climb every Mountain... I Ran thew the streets with my arms in the air like an airplane. It was a great moment. No once could see me in the fog, yet I could see them..
We are now leaving
We went into St. James Church and then the Chrystal Shop to look at some beautiful Chrystal. This is a photo of a Chrystal Wedding cake.
Anyway, we then had an hour to ourselves. I started to walk south thru town and found a restaurant close to our meeting area. I did not want to have to run again to catch up with the group. I went inside and then realized that this was going to be like an 45 minute style lunch. I love that, but I really wanted to enjoy my food, without feeling rushed on Turbo Tour.
So, I decided OK, I will do it I will have a Big Mac. It is very tourist to have McDonald’s while in
As I now was walking North towards the McDonalds I noticed a small little market with meats in the window. I purchased two sandwiches, one ballonie , the other salami both with cheese. I also found some Olives, and two Pilsner beers. This large meal was only about $8 American Dollars and I was quite excited about that. Anyway, I then walked back to the area of St. James, because I decided to have myself a little picnic. So I was able to sit in tranquility across from the church and enjoy my lunch. Here is a photo of my lunch and my view. IT WAS WORHT THE EFFORT. And the best part of all. No running for the Buss.
On to Germany…
So we go to the Chuck E Cheese of Breweries. I leave. I get a beer then loan mine so someone can take a photo of it. That is ok, because some one lends me their beer for this photo. It makes not sense, but you don drink less and meet more people.
So I leave and WOW the magic begins.
I just walk out the door and see this bar. I say ok! Lets meet the people. I meet Paul, he is from Czech Republic, he has never hear of my father. Anyway, he is a people and we start a taking, and we have a beer. It was a good. Remember this...
His English is much better than my Czech or German. He was fun...
These other local people say to me. "Hey, we a taka your picture.. Better than you take photo of bartender". I say. "Not better but different".. Ok we all agree.. We taka a photo of a me. It was a fun.. We all a smile and a shake a hand.. I like the a Germans. The a fun bunch a people.
And we also agreed that this bar was more a funa than the place I was a befora. Here is photo of The Chuck E Cheese Bar. It is Crazy in there.
the extra is not "a" like Canadian, but an "aaa" sound like German. It is hard for me to type in dialect.
I guess I need to practice my Mark Twain writing skills more.
Just as a side note It seems that Andy Warhol is following me. This is an original.. I guess it could be worse, Andy Griffin could be following me...
Side note to Andy... Fifteen Minutes of Fame is ok. But you forgot one thing what did you measure a minute by.
For the What is he talking about....
time is a measurement of man. Therefore, 15 minutes is relative. Thank you Mr. Albert Einstein. The good news about time is that you can waist it or Live it. We the People Live it.
Another side note....
In Austria Went to Super Chrystal Place. It had this really neat Wedding Cake make out of Chrystal. Good news you now get to see it too. Hope you enjoy... I
So to close todays theme.... CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN.....
Please note this is a lion to look like a Zebra not a donkey painted like a zebra to look like a donkey.. That is a Tijuana Tourist Joke.
But no joke to the Tijuana people. Just their Donkey's or more like the people who think that they are Zebras, But then again that is why we love the tourist. WE go to the Chuck E Cheese of Beer.
We Enjoyed today.. We hope you did too.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
This is a self photo. It did not come out as good as the next one. I am in Italy and we have a lot to cover. So.....
Get a drink turn off your cell phone because we have a lot of updating to do…
I am in
However, this photo is of me on Rome. I would not drink the water in Venice very not so clean. However, the hotel as our tour guide says is WOW!
Hello people. Sorry I have not written in a while but IN turbo Tour it is busy, Also finding a good connection to the internet becomes can be difficult.
Here I am yesterday at San Frances’s It too was extra special. I don’t remember if I wrote anything on it but beautiful and very very peaceful. So here we go.
I had to look for money here and the first ATM did not like me or my card. The ATM by fountain did. So we see a happy Walter with about $200 Euros in his pocket.
But First a little back tracking. It seems that I have been all over the world, or at least in
I had a Dial up connection in
So here are some quick Highlights.
January 9th, 2007
As you know I was in Luzern
January 10th, 2007
What a busy busy day....
Left Luzern at about 12:30pm. After a small walking tour and some fun shopping that the High Gross Retail establishments of
What I saw on this day...
Well, I broke away from the group as we got there, and ran to the tower, and noticed people going in and no line. Where do I get tickets? I asked the woman collecting tickets. Well, this is the 2pm tour and the next is at 2:30 sorry. The problem with the 2:30 tour is that we are leaving the tower area at 2:25, can’t go. But wait! I said its 1:58 if I can get a ticket can I go. Sure she said, but I think it is too late.
Running with a purpose I arrive at the ticket office, which is about 300 yards away. My tour turns the corner and kind of look at me sort of funny like I am being chased by the Police or something.
I run inside the ticket office. “I need a ticket, please.” Yes, sir next tour is at 2:30. Ya, I know, but it is 1:59 and 30 seconds can I please get the 2:00pm. I am saying this completely out of breath. He pauses, looks at me, smiles and in an Italian Accent “Sure No Problem” I run out of there back to the tower, with ticket, the lady starts laughing and can’t believe I have the ticket, and then I run, yes RUN up the tower, because I only have about 15 mins of fun in here, and then I have to run to the gate. But let me tell you, making the effort does make a difference. A TOP THE LEANING TOWER OF PIZA! That little thing waving is me. Hi everybody I am a top the Tower!
Double Click on the tower photo and it gets big and you can see me better. It is cool.This was a very busy day. After which we arrived in
This is Dante's sculpture of Mary Mandolin. After taking this photo I decided to get closer to show you here ivy eyes. Very striking. However the Alarm went off.
So here is what she is looking at instead.
Ok, still on the 10th, After dinner we create a little larger group for more exploration. I am total wiped! Ok, lets go! I am walking and I here this beautiful opera music in the distance. Walk up to a local and ask “Where is that coming from?” He points behind him, like Opera music in the Streets of Florence is not a real big deal. So I walk and turn the corner. I expect to see a festival. NO, it is better. I see a young woman in her 20’s with a young man playing an accordion that is it. And the most beautiful music I have ever heard, I bought her cd, and then met another opera singer with her mother. She said wait I have made a request and “It is going to grab you!” You can make request?? Great! So before the next set began I requested something festival for dancing. She could see I was very excited and she laughed and agreed after “grab you song” She sang Elvis’s “Its Now or Never!” It Grabed me. Oh Yea it was HOTTTTT!
Then our singer pointed at me and said something in Italian, maybe a warning to the Florentines. But I was jamming Opera, and the people began to clap, I took the hand of the other singer, the one with her mother, and danced. She was surprised I could dance. Anyway, after that the next song began and it too was fun and I brought the different ladies in our tour group. Worth the effort “WE WERE DANCING IN THE STREETS.”
January 11th, 2007
Woke up the next day a little foggy from “Dancing in the streets” but the knowledge that today was “David” I jumped up and ran down the stairs. I don’t use the lifts anymore, that is just so American. I am European now. I will live long with my new founded European life style. Walk a ton, Smoke a Ton, Eat Slow, and never ever use the lift, and by doing this you can smoke longer.
David was amazing but since I could not take a photo of it I will give Did you know Michelangelo was only 26 when he took the job, and that two other artist of the time refused started the project, but said the marble was basically junk. Ya, Right. I could picture it 26 strong and “Ya, I want it, give me the Ball baby and I will slam dunk on you!” What can you say, Look at it. It is Young! It is Strong! And it is Alive!
After which I we were on a guided tour with once of the local academics. We left the “David” and starting talking.
As you can see I do have a photo of the David, but it is not the original. Also note it is not a case of the original either. It is an actual scupture of the David done in the late 1800's However, this is the exact location "The David" Lived since September 8th, 1504 until the late 1800's Took seven days to move David into his new home the Galleria della Accademia.
He pointed out this dome the highest point in
This is a self photo... in the dome
We Leave
I don’t know if Chris purposely put our hotel outside the main circle of
We will have a special good bye blog for him later. Now on with
Great we made it and we went to a Roman Dinner. Two local men come in and play our group music. The one guy who has a name, But that information is in my other luggage and that is under the coach. I fell it might be out of line to ask to pull over and get it. But for the point of the story well just have to continue without his proper name. Anyway, Great fun and plenty of sprits were flowing.
However, this photo is the guy who made me a CD called Walter Sings. That is the next night. The other guys sang better but not so good working the crowd
Interesting side note. I was outside the restaurant smoking. And a comment I made which was in context of the conversation “Incase I am ever Broke Again, blab , blab blab.” This is the point it is really neat. So this homeless guy comes over as I am smoking and starts talking, and I can’t understand him. So I hand him a coin. Then he ask for a cigarette. We then start to speak for a little while in English. I said good night and I started to walk away, he then said Walter, because I introduced myself he had a real hard name, but he then handed me the coin back and said for luck. Later that night we went to the “Fontana di Trevi” fountain. I then collected two other coins from other tour people and I handed all three to our tour guide. For you Chris we made a collection for you and he smiled and thank us. That was a pretty neat coin.
Now the Big Day of
Remember when I said the sprits were flowing. Ya, I woke up! I felt like the floor of a New York Taxi Cab, and well I was going to see the Pope’s and his friends today, and we had an appointment to be their at 7:45 in the morning. See, once again the key is moderation.
I met our Roman Tour Guide before everyone else in our group arrived outside. You know that morning cough that I have when it sounds like I am going to barf and everyone around me feels like they are also going to barf. Well, this time the sound became a reality. I ran around the hotel and proceeded well you guess it. But, I did have good form, because I never once dropped my cigarette. I think he was impressed.
We arrive at the
Here are the Highlights. Really Nice!
I walk into the Museum and I am looking at the digital screen on the camera, and I look up and I see…..ya, Peter, the guy who sells the Vatican Hand Book. I almost knocked him over. But In quick reflexes I took his picture. Anyway, we hung around him for a while. Nice man, and I did buy is book.
The property and Church and feelings…
I will save that for when I get back and visit with all of you. But know.. It was beautiful and I am a very lucky person to have all of you in my life and I am ready to give back again. For My Cup Overflows With Joy. (See Short not really flowery but true, yes yes very true.)
You know as I type this I laugh out loud sometimes. Not the Crazy Chad Little laugh BAAAH! I am laughing again typing that. Anyway, they politely smile back. So the tour is over in the
So I make it
What else can you say?? Thank you sister, I will and my God Bless you too. HIGHLIGHT OF TRIP>>>>
January 14th 2007
I decided to sleep in today and miss the tour so that I could type this blog. I called the front desk, and I slipped a note underneath the door of the some fellow Travel mates to inform them to tell Chris that I will not be attending todays tour. I woke up at 6am. I went on.
I am glad I did. I went to Murano area of Venice today, and purchased my first family air loom. It is a canter with 6 glasses. It is really beautiful and going to be a neat tradition.
I also wrote the official toast for the set, and of course a glass set needs a hand made table cloth, an I will invite you over to hear it.
Notice Andy Warhol. He is a cool hippie kind of guy. Notice he is in my room. Cool Photo with different types of colors.
So I have also decided to try some fancy art type of photos. What do you think see just red on the contrast of Grey. Yea, I am a hippie too. Have a great day.
Well, I have to go now. I will give you more updates sooner than later. I hope you enjoyed. I have.
Wishing you all a wonderful day. God Bless