Monday, February 26, 2007
I used to own a VW BUS

Thursday, February 22, 2007
So I went to LOVE SCHOOL Today!

You ain't going to believe this....
First off I am suppose to go to Utah again to assist my sister. I am packed again and the phone rings....
"Hey, Forget it!"
I remember from my visit on Tuesday with Professor Michael Rapp that he is teaching about love today. I said great. Especially after yesterday's entry it would seem that I could use some Scholastic assistance on the subject..or basic lab time on the subject.
Well what fun we had today in Love class today. 25 ladies and 8 men.
This Dude Lee Came up with the Three Types of Love
a) This contains Attraction, Sexuality and Physical Touch)i)Very Intense (A.K.A. Passion)

a)Family Love
b)Long term marriage
c)Basically that you know and are safe in their parents

a)All is fun and joyful
b)Commitment is lacking
Note this is a game of football. It does take commitment to play this game, but it was the only game playing photo I had.
Note the score is tied>

Now below are Lee’s combination of the above aspects and in blue writing are my responses to these behaviors. I hope you enjoy.
I am also scoring **** for absolutely ** for about half the answer
Possessive Love (Mania) Combo of Eros and Ludus
Fight with bouts of this read on!
Are Demanding, Dependent, Possessive
(Me not so much here)
Often feel a strong need to be in control and needs to know what the other one does
(Does not really fit the bill either)
Obsessive Individual who are addicted to love
****(Ok can see that)
Lack of interest or separation = extreme lows for manic behavior
**(Na, on interest, but separation oh yea don’t dig the “No more you in my life” )
Get jealous easily and are overly preoccupied with relationship
**(No on the jealous program but when the separation of no more occurs ya preoccupied will prevail)
Relationships = extreme joy and extreme pain
**(That is just life)
Will break off and old relationship to pursue more attractive alternative.
(Not break off, but will accept applications for wife while I am looking)
See more of Practical Love)
Unselfish Love (Alape) Eros and Companionate
Altruistic lovers, more focused on giving than receiving
****(Ya! I giving is the fun. What I take is the enjoyment of the company)
Motivated by intense concern for partner’s well being
****(Yes their mental well being is important)
Makes sacrifices at expense of their own goals / desires
**(Na, sacrifices wrong word. Will pause, but I will not allow my needs to be sacrificed, not out of pride, but because that is why I am loved. I need to do what is good for my well being, so that I may bring back a healthy attitude for success.)
Unconditional love spiritually pure
****(Dig it.)
Deep highly passionate love for significant other yet not always physical
****(Dig that too)
Passion revolves around loving their partner well – makes partner happy
****(Fuckin a Bubby)
Partners have trouble matching alape which leads to feelings of discomfort and guilt
**(Ya, when I was told I did not Cherish Kasey, what the fuck?? Anyway back to manic!)
Puts partners on a pedestal
****(I think so, but who knows. This class had 25 women in it and 8 men. Let me tell you not one of the 25 women could define how a pedestal should be treated. The dudes said, “Hey, I only fuck her”)
Practical love (Pragma) Companionate and Ludus
Currently my active position while heading for Unselfish
Search for person who fits a particular image Height, weight, etc
****(I like a big butt)
Occupation, religion, also loyal, funny potential as a parent
****(Ya Religion is the good and so is the funny and smart)
Chooses vital statistics based on personal performance and compatibility
****(Ok that is cool, hate to be around people that I am not compatible with)
Common sense, problem solving approach to life and love
****(This one is the one that seems to get me in the trouble too much of the long term thinking)
Highly rational based on evidence (lost pros and cons before deciding)
****(At times, sometimes no. I remember it took me 6 weeks to purchase an iron once, so you can see while looking for that life mate it could take a little longer)
If practical likely to be lifeless and dull
**(I love that I am the exception to that rule)
Intimacy and passion sometimes develops after practical concerns are resolved
****(Oh yea make up sex will be the rock)
Sternbern’s triangle of love. We discussed that too. But it is pretty much the same, but with temperatures. Also note that Albert Enstein could now really describe the 7 actions of a neutron either so sometimes it is hard to define the love.
WOW that is some really cool stuff
Well, while writing this I am all of these as I think you are too.
After very little thought I knew instantly what I was Possessive at 20% and Practical at 40% and Unselfish love 40%.
Why this is so.
Well, it is obvious that when the love fails I get a much the nuts.
When rejection is introduced in the Walter equation he becomes not the happy.
Now for Practical Love. I actually have a written list of what the next Mrs. Rusniaczek's qualties will posses. As a matter of fact I am constantly collecting data in my head based on responses of stimuli. Now once these things are completed. The Unselfish love takes over. I have been in unselfish state and really dig it.
Now if I learned all this on a Thursday, think what I will learn on Tuesday when we discuss SEX!
Have a great Day
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Fun With Professor Michael Rapp

Well, here we are in Professor Michael Rapp's Office and learning the insight of a purpose statement for grade school.. As you can see Mike is tutoring Potential Grad Student Anthony. Anthony is a little nervous about his letter and Mike is doing his best to keep his nerves at bay.
I gave some input, it was fun.

Anyway, she has shown me the magic of uploading videos on my blog.
So enjoy. Video killed the Radio Star....
Enjoy the end of a San Diego State Game.
Also for the first time you can experience the New Years Experience in Paris.
Bon Annee!!!
New Things In The Hopper!

Buying a new home or renting a place In Huntington Beach.
But that will depend a few things..
Those things being...

Will Reading this book really make me a better comic? Who knows, but....
I do have a walk in audition on February 28th up in Los Angles for another comedy Workshop group.
I also applied for a traveling comedy group out of Los Angles as well.
So it seems when these things come into play I will be spending more time in L.A. and Orange County. So I thought "Hell, I love Huntington lets move back!" Will I keep the home in San Diego. Who knows and really who cares, except the bank. They really don't care where I live just as long as I keep paying the mortgage.
Unless of course plans change as they sometimes do. But just because ones itinerary changes does not make them a liar.

It seems to be a question that I am asked alot. Hey, Walter going to ever get a job?...
Well, NO! But I do have to start making some money. And with the help of a friend, I got a lead to sell time shares here in San Diego as well as in Los Angles. I will be speaking with these people this week to figure out the "Compensation Package" and the minimum hours required. I learned the term Minimum Hours from Ron Houston. His Minimum Requirement is way to much for my new and improving life style.
Well that is all for the intimidate updates.
Have a great day and have the fun
Presidents Day Weekend!

President Day Weekend...
It started out a little different than I expected, but it seemed to work out great.
First I was going to go to Utah and visit my sister, but after talking to her she said we could do most of what is needed over the phone.
So with that itinerary change the New Weekend Plan went a little something like this...

And since Chad was out of town and so was my father, my dogs were looked after by John Hill and his Wife.

As I was having a European Lunch. Olives Meat and of course a beer, this nice couple decided it was a good day to get Married.
And believe it or not it was. I too was once married on February 17th, but instead of an 85 degree day at Catalina I was married in Colorado in 32 degree snow.
Both were very nice events. The entire beach clapped when they finished the ceremony
Extra Notice about the 17th of February. It is Janine Sanchez's Birthday. Happy Birthday.

To continue the fun in Catalina, rented some kayaks. The Water was beautiful and smooth. It seems that I had much fun in the sun this day and it help create a better base for my springtime tan.
Also note that it is important to take Gabe's Advice. Because he said staying until 7:30 would be too long, staying until 6 was long enough. Well, I didn't listen to him and he was right. But I did listen to him about the suggestion for the Hawaiian Styled French Toast with Peanut Butter. It was Great!

This Happy fellow is Terry Hirchag. For a time reference it is now February 18th. Also a side note. This is Liz Rogers Birthday. Happy Birthday.
Anyway, Terry is Tracy's Brother. He is happy because he is no longer on vacation. Here he is helping Tracy make shelves for his Jacuzzi. Tracy creates silly little projects for himself when his wife Jennifer is out of town.

So while the mountain men made shelves I decided to get my art on. As you can see I created a painting that I like to call, "Paint on Canvas". You might also notice the drawing on top of my painting. Yes, that is correct it is my self portrait, if I was a girl and the age of 7. No really that is a drawing that Madison made. Madison is Tracy's Daughter.
After my Art was over Tracy and Terry gave me a little slack that I could not do the type of men work they were doing.

And in true Walter Fashion I got a little cocky and built one upside down too.

However, no matter how constructionally sound these two buildings were it was no match for

But if destroying my architecture was not enough, Jackson got his sister Madison and decides it would be fun to try to break Walter. Well, thank God for me I used my special secrete weapon. "Hey, Tracy! The kids are using foul language again!" What a beating! Ha! Ha! Ms. Seven and Mr Four I got your Wagon!
Na, I would not tell their father that, I just beat them myself. Hell, I'm 35!

Evey rose my have it's thorn...

Every Cloud has its SILVER LINING!
Or in this case of this cloud...
Just Remember to have a Good Year!
Talk to you soon.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Walter Builds a WebSite...

Anyway today is the 12th, and I build a web site today for the company that has hired me as a consultant. It is cool.
I hope you like it. There are still a few things to add, but in general it works and it rocks.

Her name is Ronda. Like "Help Me Ronda" It is totally cool.
Hope you enjoy.
site is www.midwayautos.net
Have a great day Walter

Also note the audience gave her a standing ovation. Truly a great performance.
Friday, February 9, 2007
A quick update....

It seems that while in Europe I forgot to update my registration on my Truck.
Well, Good News! Only 15 mins in the DMV and the truck is good until December.
Wow only 15 mins.

Not only is she that cool, but some crazy company is going to put her in a commercial, because she is so cool with Pilates. Neato.....
She also helped me look into Comedy Workshops when I was there. The modern Woman.

Peabody Award. He too is super cool with the people. For all you Twister fans this is Joe's Father. No award for that part, just a cool check. He too sat down with me and help look for comedy workshops for me.

Anyway he let me sleep in his room so I did not have to sleep in the snake room. That is an entire different story.

As some of us know I just had a birthday on Tuesday. So Karena also make me a special birthday meal.
First she called Grandma and asked what my faviorte meal was. And we all know that meal is Grandma's Meatloaf. As a matter of fact when I was there I had it for dinner and breakfast. But Karena did not this it was vogue to have Meatloaf as a birthday meal. So instead I had mini - Meatloaf a.k.a. Meatballs.
I love mini-meatloaf too. This is the cake she also made. It too was good, could have used some meat though. But how do you make a birthday cake taste like stake. A-1 sauce now my cake taste like stake cake.

This happy little man is Jimi. He spells his name Jim. But for you rock fans Jimi is spelled like Jimi Hendrix. And to me Jimi is a rock star.
He is bald, Italian, and not all that tall. And guess what the chicks dig him, and because of that he is a total rock star.
However, it seems that Jimi is only playing for one now with his lady friend Karen. I have met her. I say she is a great band leader for Jimi.
Congratulations on being you Jimi!

GOD I LOVE THIS MAN! Anyway, it was fun to see him and lunch was great. So thank you. He has no name, because wild dolphins are nameless. And they really don't photo well as people.

Stayed tune for that.
Well have a great day and must go now.
Special congratulations to Chad. He bought a new home today. My "Little" man is all grown up. That little this is real funny because he is not small and his last name is Little. I hope he things that is funny..
Bye for now
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Birthday Fun!

Well it is official.. I am now 35!
It was a great day.
Early my father was at the house with birthday Donuts. Early being 6am.. It is always fun to have birthday donuts at 6am.
Next he and I went and visited some of his friends and shared the birthday donuts we didn't eat.
The a small lunch at the Hotel Del.

WOW! The hits just keep on coming....

After which I had dinner with Christie at my friend Joe's restaurant. Her Birthday is on February 10th. She also request that I stop lying for my birthday gift to myself.
I have not photos of his restaurant, but it seems that he may be moving the location, after having the place for over 25 years.
Well that is a pretty busy day and now I am on to the next year.
Hope all is well with you.
Monday, February 5, 2007
Super Friends Weekend!

The Super Bowl Brings Out Super Friends...
Unlike the Holidays where we may feel obligated to attend certain events, the Super Bowl is the National Holiday that allows you to invite the crazy people not accepted to your family functions.
Those Crazy people are often your friends.

This here is Brett Mitchell. He is a Friend of my father's. My Dad is Brett's Crazy friend. He is invited to such events, because my dad brings some paleness to the room.
Plus, it is always fun to see the white guy dance.

But if dancing is not what you want to see, it is always fun to watch my father and Brett wager at some type of challenge.
Here Brett is being a good friend to my father, by shaving strokes on their putting wager. See, Brett knows he is a much better golfer than my father, so that my dad can look cool in front of me, Brett keeps the game close.
What a super friend. However, when they play cards...

But after the game, much hugging and joy that the war is over.
My dad actually won this day, and so did Brett. See even during high pressure times, Friends look out for each other.
The Rest of the Table... There on their own!

This is Brian and his wife Rachel. I am their Crazy Friend.
When I arrived Brian's Mother and her Husband were their and said "Hey, great to see you. We have not seen you since the Wedding!"
I then whispered to Brian "Did I go to your Wedding?"
You know, I have missed many of them being in the car business.
"Walter" Brain said "You were in it!"
"I was?? I said as if I knew I was, but really had no idea I was there. "Did I have fun?"
"Don't you remember you were there with Christine, and she was upset because we were getting married on Valentines Day, and that was her special day!"
"Oh YEA!, You also cut your foot when you stepped on the Glass when we all said Mazultov! Then I danced until she returned and we argued at her uncles house. Yes, It was a Beautiful day"

Apparently, Rachel and Brian forgot to pay their cable bill twice. Here are their two beautiful little girls. Oh yea, Brian loves them so much he forgot to pay the Cable bill again and they have another daughter due in May. I am invited to come up. Not to the Labor Room, but you know say hi to the new born..
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend with those crazies that come out during the Super Bowl.
Special Mention to Gabe Houston. Thank you Crazy Friend for picking up my Motor Cycle and joying me for Yoga. He is my Crazy Friend. Only a Crazy man would join me for Yoga.
Also Congratulations to THE COLTS AND COACH TONY DUNGY!
Talk to you all soon.