New Career #37: Fahion Designer
Here you see me modeling my new line, camping gear for the fashion conscious! This look is accomplished by sleeping on lava rock, waking up to wildlife sniffing your tent and emerging from said tent while buttoning the long sleeved shirt to the short sleeve shirt. Stylish and comfortable! I will make millions! Stop by the nearest Saks and pick up your own Fusion Shirt!
Onto Career #38: Global Dictator...
Maybe the altitude affected my mind a little.
This is Kilauea Volcano. It seems that the lava flow is no longer going into the ocean, so this was as close as we could get to the lava without taking an air tour. It was quite impressive nonetheless. I took this shot while walking on what was once known as Black Sand Beach. The beach was covered a few years back by fresh lava flow (I can't believe I missed it!) so now the "beach" is cooled lava that has created a jagged cliff.
I have not walked on the moon as of yet, but I was inspired to sing, "Walking on the Moon" by the police. It was beautiful.
This the crater of the dormant volcano. This part of the volcano was active in the late 70's. Yes, the 70's when Detroit Rock City ruled the air waves.
After fun on the volcano at night we spend the days at a local surf spot near Hilo.
This beach had a beautiful peak and it was not too crowed and a fun place to surf.
As you can see this rock formation of the Honu! (or Turtle) That is because while surfing this break you have the opportunity to surf around 200lb Turtles.
It does get your attention when you are sitting on your board and you see a turtle neck as thick as your thigh pop out of the Water. They look at you as if to say, "Hey, buddy this is our break get out of the water now." But we all know that Turtles can't talk. And since we are the head of the food chain no one seems to listen to their requests.
So, Off we go! On a perfect left enjoying the beach settings.
Even though turtles cannot verbally express their disdain for you surfing their break, locals can!
For the most part they are friendly and keep to themselves...until you meet them in an awkward way!
This man was very nice. And friendly out in the water. People all in the water were saying "Hey brah, how are things going?" and he and I exchanged a few head nods. As in to apply we both know I am not from around here, but please enjoy our break.
Now I know the difference between dropping in on someone's wave and how to paddle around someone, but actually running into them is never a good thing.
Locals find it rude! As if you're telling them, "Excuse me, it is my wave and I will run over anyone I like!" Very disrespectful! However, in this sport there is such a thing as "Where the hell did you come from?" And even though I technically was riding the wave and trying to avoid my much bigger friend the Surf Gods of Hawaii felt it was my destiny to meet this fellow surfer by knocking me off my board and running right into my new friend. He then gave me my new local name "What the Fuck!" After my explanation he was not thrilled, but decided not to rip off my arms. However he did make it clear that there better be no more Hawaiian Surf gods interfering with his session. The gods made sure I had no more problems
So after another hour of Surfing it was time to say goodbye to my new friend, and we went to Akaka Falls.
This was very beautiful.
There is more to this story, it is best expressed in this Haiku!
See Akaka Falls
Walter does the Potty Dance!
The trip back from Hilo, was wonderful. I got the opportunity to sit next to dog lady who hates to fly.
However, she seemed in good spirits after she shared with me that she was able to bring the dog on the plane and not pay the $25 surcharge.
I think the vodka she drank helped a little too.
Finally back to Honolulu!
We visited and paid our respects to those of the Arizona, at Pearl Harbor.
This man Alfred was there on December 7th, 1941.
God Bless America!
Have a safe and pleasurable Holiday Weekend!