Well, there you have it. He is meeting the people of Hawaii.
This here is Shawn. He works at dollar rental car. He was most excited to take a photo and express his excitement of my arrival in Hawaii.
This is Malia. She is most excited to be waiting in line for a secondary Security screening before the big adventure to Hawaii.
Her tube of toothpaste was confiscated because its had 6oz of content instead of the approved amount of 3oz.
It seems that she is very conscious of proper oral hygiene.
So besides renting cars and brushing our teeth. What does one do in Hawaii?
Well, last night there was a complete lunar eclipse. It happen at about 12am last night.
The best location for this phenomenon was on the South Shore. So we got a tent and camped out on the south side shore line in Kahala.
However, it seemed that the tide started to rise about an hour after the eclipse started so we packed up and left.
This here is not a photo of Hawaii. It was hard to take pictures with my camera, since the break was about a half a mile out.
However, I did surf my first reef break and let me tell you, it really gets your attention!
One is a little less cavalier in the way one approaches a wave when there are rocks sticking out of the water!
The good news is I had two of the longest lefts of my life and a met a new friend from Australia! His name is Zack and he is about 14. He waved me over and mumbled, "Hey, something something something. This is the best spot, something something, I like something, and I am from something Australia. We should something here and be careful for something something is around and that could hurt." So I just said "My name is Walter and I too like pizza!" We had a good time.
So that is all for day one. Day two starts now. Oh yea, spoke with Jon Ramaro and we are to meet up with him later in the week. Also it seems that our bartender Rick at the Tiki Bar knows of the World Famous Jon Ramaro. If you don't know of this man, you will as the trip continues. He makes Captain Zero look like a Zero, but more on that adventure when it comes.
Who is Captain Zero? More on that as well? Much to discover on this trip in the islands. Wait! Walter, didn't "Zero" surf the gulf of Mexico? Yes, but we are not in Mexico anymore Dorthy.
What the hell is Walter talking about? Please wait and enjoy the adventure.
Have fun
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