Monday, January 5, 2009

Fowarding Address Click Here to Go Yes Here!...

Hello All and Happy New Year!

He is with the people is being relocated for sometime to a new location.

We now have a new iMac and it seems that it gives us a better media to share some of our adventures.

Our New Address:

or just click on the title of this entry!
So come on and sign in to our new place. We have a welcome page, photos, blogs, movies. It is the "Cool" as the people say!


Hey Don't forget to put it into your bookmarks as a favorite!

The New Address Again

Monday, September 8, 2008

It has been sometime...

Since I have written a blog. It is crazy. The world is full of people telling there story yet why? Because we all have something important to say.

I remember when I started this blog. I was in Philadelphia and I visited the museum of the Constitution. I just came from Liberty hall, and was looking for a purpose of my life. And it hit me. We are all with the people, and I am apart of we yet when I look at myself the only proper pronoun is He.

So there you have it. So what have we or he has been doing. Well, looking for a fit. I have become a Sailor, a Surfer, an Actor, and well person. I am tired of trying to fit into a something that does not fit the me or the he as I like to write. I see people are afraid of the he part of he is with the people. Yet, when I say hey I am traveling it is cool, but if I mention someone else in the blog as I travel people get kind of upset.

So lets make this simple from now on. Note I am talking to myself as a talker thinker not really to you the reader, but maybe you the reader can take some advice from this. Life is good if you enjoy it. It really sucks if you don't Forget the why are we here question? That is just a waste of time or ever what do we do when we are here is important.

I have learned many things and really can't put it into words, but I know one thing I can. We all have something important to say even if people really don't want to listen. I remember when I was a sales manager. I was in a place where if it took time from production I did not have time for it. Yet, when I am ready for production, people may not be ready for the message. I am smart, I have drive, and am angry. Not really at disappointment, but of my inability to communicate with the people.

See I just proof read my blog and it sounds kind of silly, but to who you. Really I type think faster than I type, and I love to be the me I am, yet I still want to do something of merit. To simplify this crazy ramble. I use to ask people who were in a rush and say, My time is important....
"What are you tying to find the cure for cancer today?" Well, no, I just have to go to a party. What a waste of time. I have been wasting time for almost two years now. Pissing away the gift of life for well "Hey look at me!"

What a waste. The good news is it is not my entire life that is wasted just a short 24 months. I have something to give this earth. Maybe not the cure for cancer of cells, but just maybe the cure for cancer for the ill minded. Lofty goals. But without Lofty goals we are just well waste or a cancer on the society at large.

The good news is no one really reads this anymore and maybe now I can stop being a rock star and actually do some work.

I have been wanted to write this down for some time about the last two years.
Special people that I carry in my heart for what ever reason. What is sad is I can love the world with passion, but it just does not want to share the passion with others. I am dead when I can't express who I am, and try to live your expectation. Look I am not trying to reinvent the existence of man just thank those that have stopped and gave me the experience of life with the people.

Women first.
Kasey Nelson
Christine Heszky
Janine Molica
Erin Anda
Marie Ward
Christie Ferralle
Neva (some type of last name)
Liz Rogers
All other Hey, Nice to meet you.

Chad Little
Tracy Hirchag
Gabe Houston
Ron Houston.
Jimi Palimeri
Jerry McClain
All others Hey, Nice to meet you.

Now wow, so what he likes people and thank them on his blog. Wow we really stepped out and met the people.

I sit. I type. I think. I rage! I love! and I thank. Really no one out there but maybe for a few care what happens to you. So don't you think maybe you should thank them too. My list is not yours yours is the people. So People make a list send it out. Thank them. Tell them thanks.

I really don't know right now. I want a sail boat and a movie contract. God has some type of plan for me.

I remember when I could write on this blog and tell the world anything and see the joy in people's faces when I did. Then well not so much. Hey I though and well what about me. And really I just got tired of trying to please everyone, who was not happy that someone on the earth was better for meeting them.

Well, I don't say sorry anymore for living. And I won't apologize for knowing you. But the good thing is this. No one calls anymore, to tell me shit. If you like it let me know. If you don't well that is apart of the He is with the people part too. It just comes as a shocker that not everyone will love what you have to say. It is ok though. Because I am sure I don't love what you have to say either.

I love the earth, I love you, but most important I love He. He Walter, and HE IS WITH THE PEOPLE>

My pledge to He. It is time to re-start this now for at least thirty days but not for you, but as a tribute to those people who are with the people everyday.

THis will not be edited or changed in anyway, Clear thought and bad grammar is just part of the people.

Keep it real and see you all soon.

He or Walter Just one of Many People

Friday, May 30, 2008

Look at this... Walter Got Straight A's

Semester: Spring 2008Summer 2008Fall 2008
Sort by: TicketCourse IDTitleDay/TimeInstructorLocation
Include Drops/Withdraws

Unofficial Grades for WALTER RUSNIACZEK
Spring 2008
TA 1
T Th
1030AM - 1250
TA 16

Note: All grades for this semester are currently unofficial.

Friday, December 7, 2007

What a Great Day!

Now before we begin. I did not take these photos. They were posted on Surfline. However, these are the conditions on Dec 5th.

Now some days are good and some are better. Well, I really don't know about that, but sometimes you just sit back and realize "Hey, This is a pretty cool day!" On Wednesday there was a big surf advisory. I went out into the Water and attempted to make it out to the break, but because of all the white wash I was not able to reach the surf. I decided to paddle out in this. Yes This did not work so well.

So after that I went to La Jolla cove and went out in this.

Now Truth be known. I really went out in this. Now I did not catch anything, I just paddled for a while. I did make the break point, but decided didn't need to be broken.

I missed one wave and was caught between sets. That was neat to see this wave about to crash on your head. That was when I decided "Walter time to go in now."

So Yesterday I decided to go out to Leucadia. And it I looked much like this. Woops over the falls again. Until Well, I must say, I dropped into about a 10 to 12 foot wave going right. I make it and I was riding in the curl. So the wave started to close out in front of me and then it reformed at about half the size of the original wave. So now I am super excited, until it happened again. Now I riding the third wave of this take off and well I fell. It was sooooo Cool.. I then thanked God and said. Hey I have to go be George Bailey now.

I telling you it was a cool moment.

So to close out his entry. I then found some Meatloaf mix and made stuffed peppers and then went to be George Bailey. I know this is an odd entry and it is all over the place. Just know this. It was a great day and hope your having a great day too.

That's the look. That what, how, is this all happening crazy look. Well, How Cares! I just wanted to say "Thank you God for a Great Day!"
Love the Walter

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lost Blog...And I added some new features

I wrote this and never poste it. So here it is. Kind of dated, but it is ok, because I added some new features...

Such as polls, slide shows and other neato things. I am now trying out how to play music. Neato again.

Baseball....The first recorded baseball game in 1846 when Alexander Cartwright's Knickerbockers lost to the New York Baseball Club. The game was held at the Elysian Fields, in Hoboken, New Jersey. In 1858, the National Association of Base Ball Players, the first organized baseball league was formed.

I had the opportunity to go to that field this year and run the bases. It is currenlty a little league field. So I looked real fast.

I love this sport (within reason I wouldn't marry it or anything like that. However, it seems that now I have a pickel. As many of you know I really don't like the Red Sox being a Yankee Fan. And others know I really don't like anything from Colorado, and since both the Red Sox and Colorado are in the World Series what to do?

I will say it again. "So what to do?"

Lets go back a couple of weeks. Lets see what has happed. For the past three weeks in the month of October, I have been reclaiming my home. The actually physical structure in which I am to rest my head. I have painted rooms, added new carpet, new doors, and have dropped of many things to good will, and have basically emptied all my closets except for one in my room.

And lets us not forget the obsession I have with having a clean garage. Yes, I had to clean that thing about 6 times since I started this project.

So what? Well, I have traveled the world this year, have met many wonderful people including and not excluding you. (please add your name there) I just don't want to miss anyone. "Walter your loosing us real fast please get to the point!"

Ok the point. Three years ago I was upset that Boston broke the curse. See the cures (Curse being that of Babe Ruth when the Red Sox traded him to the Yankees) was the fun of being a Yankee fan and of course what upset me more than the curse was the leaving of Kasey to go to Colorado. All that happened three years ago. Now! What is really important? Is it really being that upset about a curse being broken or holding an entire State responsible for Kasey. No! In the grand scale of things neither of these things are important. But what is important are the following things to me. Sorry, I can't answer what is important to you.

One. You are important to me. All the people that I have met and shared apart of their lives with me are important. I really don't rank who is more important than others, sorry, I don't have a your a better friend than that one list, but I do know who befriends me out of common interest of enjoying live, verse who befriends me to take. Now the takers are important too, they fill the experience of life that makes us all need to be needed so we give. The ballance is of course not to give more than needed to keep you or in this case me healthy mentally and physically.

Two. Nothing. This area is desiganated for temporary things that are important. "Like who will win the World Series."

Three. Allowing buffer room for temporary things to be entered into area two. Kind of like an on deck circle for things. This area is

So this weekend. Well, Gabe came down and stayed in the Guest Room. I made dinner for us on Saturday. Sunday, Chad came over and we watched football we split a sandwitch. Maria stopped by as well and helped finish the cleaning of the living room she ate nothing. Malia (not Maria) came down after her play and we had dinner with Justin his wife, daughter and their roomate at the house. Gwyne, Justin's wife made a dinner and brought it over and we ate it. It was good.

This is not earth shattering news.