Monday, July 30, 2007

... and the crowd cheered "WE NEED MORE COW BELL!"

Just returning from Baja Mexico!

Went down on Saturday with the notion of having some lobster.

Never found the lobster, but did find a neat little hotel with no rooms for rent.

However they did have one trailer on the beach with no hot water. So bingo I took it.

Highlights of that evening.
Beautiful Sunset!
Some Dancing!

Riding the mechanical Bull! Ya Rode that thing for more than 8 secs. The best part was when it starting to spin at about 100mph and the only way I could stay on was by haning on the head of the bull.

But the best was joing a band that actually let me play with them.
I am Cow Bell Man!

After the first song, the band asked me to continue playing.

So after 12 songs the crowd stared yelling "MORE COW BELL!"

So. I gave them a solo!

Well, that is all for now! There is more, but no time to complete this session.

Have a great Day and talk to you all soon.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Huge Blog Updates of Fun, Concern, and Direction

It is always fun to start a blog with Fun!

Here I am after Surfing the Jersey Coast. It seems that you have to be pretty intoxicated to Surf the Jersey Coast. So in celebration of that it seems that many people prefer the bold rich taste of a Heineken Board!

It really is not less filling than say the Miller Light board, but If your going to surf drunk you might as well have a high caloric board so you don't run out of energy.

This was fun as well! While at the shore there was a huge thunder storm. Not good for the surfing, but good enough to wear a wet suit.

Please explain to me why one would run while were a wet suit. Maybe it was a Linen Wet suit and he was afraid it would shrink.

Which reminds me I too bought a Linen suit in Rehobeth Beach Delaware. The home of White Linen. It is Hott with the two t's baby!

I tried to get it altered there. It seems that they wanted more then the suit to to the word. Which now leads us into Concerns..

This lady here with the Camera is my Cousin Laura. For those of you who don't remember she lives in Germany with her husband Eric. (Eric being the Blood Cousin) However, after hanging out with Laura you would think that Eric was my cousin by marriage not the other way around.

Anyway, Concern. Laura can't eat bread or she will die. I don't understand the medical mombo Jumbo, but she can eat sushi. I think it is a crazy ploy to have high quality fish. Whatever, she helped me decide that being a free lance gynecologists was really not a good career.

I also had a small Concern about the amount of Mercury this young man had in his system.

It seems that he was trying to capture fresh water in his Jug. But after watching him get drenched in more water than he was capturing into his Jug I wondered if he had some type of brain damage.

But to my relief after about 5 mins of catching only 7 drops of water. He used his brain power and just left the container on the ground in the rain and waited back under cover until it was full.
That was fun to Watch is Brain Work.

Oh I see we are back to fun. Don't Worry Direction will come soon enough and be a total buzz Kill.

Summer Fun...

Hey, a full Band playing Marching Music on the Board Walk. Now that is the fun. It involves Root Beer Floats and Salt Water Taffy.

If that is not the fun for you, they you are probably an adrenalin Junkie or just a plan old Drug Junkie. And if your a Junkie then we are back to concern..

Mom and Joe.

Well, Mom is doing better still not talking. Concern.
Joe is Concerned that she is in the Hospital too Long. Concern.

Good news and back to some fun she is scheduled to return home by mid August.

She will still be under 24 hour watch, but at least she will be home.

On my last evening in New Jersey, I barbecued Steak, Chicken and Tuna for Joe. He like it and had fun.. Now back to fun.

It's Crazy Gabe Houston's Birthday today. This being July 25th. It seems that I always forget his birthday. And today was no different. I spoke to him earlier with no mention of a birthday only he wants to go to Arrowhead this Weekend. I said I would call him Back.

I did. "No more trip to Arrowhead!" said Gabe "We go to Susie Goodharts Housewarming party on Saturday instead." Side note on the Susie. Earlier in the year Gabe sends me a link of a naked lady. With the Subject. "Is that Susie GoodHart?" The answer was no! How we all know that is not important. What is important Susie is not naked on the Internet.

Anyway, after he said "Today is my birthday!" I said now! "Yes now and every July 25th!" How about that?

Ok Direction part. Just because it is getting late and I have to make a few calls.

So anyway It is official and today was my first day "doing" business as a wholesaler! I went to the auction and saw the crazies. Boy oh Boy was that fun.

It seems to me playing chess is easier than relating to these maniacs.

On Tuesday, "Pre-Business" I went to see Ron and he gave me a number to a guy I know. It started with 666. I called.

The Hellos etc. So he says "So your Wholesaling hu Walter?"

"Well, Ya I am!"
"Well Walter I don't know what to tell you but this, Do you have the ability to rip a persons throat out without blinking?"
Maybe, I have made another vocational mistake. I have worked so hard to become a normal person. You know one who flies to Europe, Mexico, and then Hawaii. That seems pretty normal.

Look at these bumper car drivers. That is what it is like at the auction. A bunch of nervous energy trying to knock the other guys wits

Well, I don't know about that. But it is very exciting to see all the maniacs. They seemed happy to see me. Or happy that they have a new throat to rip out. Either way it is fun to see them all foaming at the mouth again.

So to survive the car-ney Magic..

I will just have to use the old "Walt Eye of the Tiger" approach

Anyway, Max's and my new Direction is this.

We are going to Yoga and then on a Surfing Safari!

Bye for now!


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Back on Track of the Blogging....

Need some quick updates here they are....


1) Had Dinner with Tracy and his Wife for Her Birthday
2) Went to Vegas with Chad for the 4th of July
A)We met these ladies from Canada saw Pat Bennitar, and Theresa came down from St. George and we danced

Well it is Official...

Wally World has started...

Brookdale Enterprises has be approved as a licensed auto dealer in California.

First day of business...
I earned 4 dollars writing a check for a guy.
He need a check for 16 dollars for the dmv. Well, I wrote the check for 16 and he gave me 20.
Net Gross Profit $4 dollars..

The Ladies of Canada that we met in Vegas.

They then traveled to San Diego and we showed them the Town plus Mexico

This Dude here is Michael Ward.

Well, he and his wife Lisa had Marie and I over for dinner in Bloomfield.

Nice meal and thank you.

Micheal is also a huge Yankee fan. It seems he knows Andy Pettit's E.R.A. but sometimes does not know were is daughter is.

This is a Sunset, and somewhere in this photo is me sitting on a surfboard. Waiting.

I was on a short board this day, and I did my first "floater" Very Cool.

Photo Not Shown...
Watch the Sun Rise in New Jersey and watched the Sun Rise while on the Water.

Finally Grandma's 90th Birthday Party..

My Grandma's is middle Grandma.

Grandma on left is Grandma Theck. She was there to celebrate the fun.

Grandpa Right is not my Grandfather, but he is Uncle Eddie Grandma's Brother.

Much fun and more to write about later.

Finally, after the super 90th party.

We stumble across the Seaford Once a year Rock Festival.

Party all the time here in Seaford.

Talk to you all soon.
