Monday, September 3, 2007

Celebrating Life is a Man Name John and Elvis!

This Man in the Barbie Towel is John Romero!

Here he is celebrating Life!

He is opening a bottle of champagne after a meal John prepared for us and his girlfriend Darcy on the beach.

We then all raised our glasses and made a toast. It was joyous and very Fiddler On The Roof like. Except we were a group of four chillin on a beach front instead of Russian Jews hiding from the Czar.

However, when toasting I always like singing in my "la kayim"! The final verse of the song is as follows....

"We'll raise a glass and sip a drop of schnapps in honor of
the great
good luck that favors you,
We know that when good fortune favors two such men, it
stands to reason,
we deserve it too!
To us and our good fortune!
Be happy, be healthy, long life!
And if our good fortune never comes,
Here's to whatever comes,
Drink la kayim, to life! "

After our toast John and Darcy are celebrating their excitement of knowing each other.

After which I was so moved I decided to go back out in the Water and celebrate with some surfing.

It was around sunset when I started and returned sometime just before it went pitch black. It was fun and a little nerve racking at the same time.

It was beautiful watching the sun go down. However, unlike California sunsets while surfing it the water is about 85 degrees and you forget it is time to go back in until you realize "Hey, wait I can't see the shore line anymore.

Well, this day took an unusual turn when we ran into Elvis.

He said "Aloha Walter, and how may I help you?"

I said "Still searching for this Captain Zero guy, Sir"

Elvis Replied "No search necessary just look into your heart and play the following section from my 1973 tour. Enjoy life and keep it simple! Aloha Walter! May your journey enrich the paths of other lives! And More important don't be afraid to allow other lives to enrich yours!"

"Thanks Elvis and Aloha!" And to all those who I have encountered over the past year, thank you! It has been amazing!

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