Thursday, January 25, 2007

Keeping the Flame Burning....

Hey again from the fun in the Frost New York City.

Little update on Comedy College. It really is not college we don’t have a mascot.

Anyway, unlike real school I actually did my homework and did not try to have some pretty girl help me with my assignment. So, I go to my first class after my assignment. Boy o boy, I better find a pretty girl quickly, because I got what I would call a good “D-“ Maybe, it was my joke that the President started the war in Iraq because he was sexually frustrated because he was circumcised. I guess you have to read the pamphlet on “Men start wars because they are circumcised” to really appreciate the analogy.

So, we went back to the “drawing board” and drew a pretty neat picture of my narcissistic behavior. We open up with nice dick joke and close with the cat who advised me to go to a sex club. God, I can see that this is going to have great value to the human condition. Many may not believe this, I never did acid. Never…

Tonight is Bob Seger! YA BABY

Last night went to the Comedy Cellar in the village. Our Tuesday Instructor was the Host. I realize that smoking is the best think for my body, but I see some really cool thing when I go out for a smoke.

So I am standing.. I do that when I smoke. I look up and see Darrell Hammond. Besides Andy Rooney this was the closest I have been to a television personality. We make the eye contact and he starts to walk over, and then realized he does not know me, steps back quick hey and inside. Cool, does a fun set and of course I need to smoke again. Great he is outside I am outside and “Hey nice set thank you really enjoyed it” Hand shake from him, ya was trying to do some new things, but ya know?’ “Ya, anyway, keep it real Darrel.” Goofy looking smile back second hand shake ya you too. Night.”

So what did I learn. I am going to do great in this business. Not even crazy star stuck. It was fucking bitchin’ “No hey, I am a starting comic, how do I or can I take your photo.” It was great, I mean I take photos of the cleaning ladies at the hotels. This is a big photo moment. NONE> Total ya, whatever.

And why would I? I need to show you a photo of my new bar... I traded some magic beans for it. I think I made out well.

Well got to go… However, if I meet the Seger. PHOTO PHOTO PHOTO>

Because I am not a rock star……

Keep on truckin’


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